Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Male Condom:

Male condoms is a barrier contraception device that commonly used during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of pregnancy and reduce your risk of contracting a sexually transmissible infection (STI). Use condoms every time on a man's erect penis then vaginal, anal or oral sex to prevent an exchange of blood, semen or vaginal fluids.

Condoms are waterproof, elastic, and durable. It should be used once only for each activity. Condoms are perfect device for vaginal, anal or oral sex. When you are not confident for using condoms then you can practicing until you feel confident before having sex.

Male condoms enhances their sexual enjoyment. 
  • Reduce the probability of pregnancy(condoms are 95 to 99 per cent effective)
  • Concerns about infection STIs, including HIV
  • Improved duration of the erection during sexual intercourse.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Cycle:

What is the menstrual cycle?

Menstrual Cycle is occur in the uterus and ovary for sexual reproduction.When periods come regularly, this is called the menstrual cycle.

Regular menstrual cycles is the important parts of your body. It provides important body chemical that called hormones and it keep you to healthy. It also essential of your body for pregnancy. The cycle occurs only in fertile female.


The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long per cycle. A menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of period to the started of  next period.

Typical menstrual period: 

During your period then may not be the same blood flow in every month. It may also be different than other periods. The menstruation can be light, moderate, or heavy blood flow that comes out of the vagina. The length of the period also varies. Most periods occur from 3 to 5 days. But, anywhere from 2 to 7 days is normal.

Periods will be occur in the range of 21 to 35 days apart. The first few years after menstruation begins, longer cycles are common.


Vaginal Drug

Drugs Acting On the Vagina and Vulva:

They are includes two types of drugs:

1. Anti infective drug
2. Topical Hormones.

Anti infective drugs:

Effective specific : This treatment are common, effective & available for vaginal infections. The casual organism should be identified before instituting treatment.
Vaginal candidiasis or candidal vulvitis is treated etc, Trichomonal infections are treated with either metronidozole/ rimorazole.

The anti-infective drugs are:
1. Nystatin
2. Clotrimazole
3. Econazole
4. Miconazole
5. Sulphonamide
6. mixed various antiseptic preparation.

Topical Hormones: 

When there is a lack of endogenous oestrogens (as is post menopasual woman) dienoetrol cream 0.01% may be used improve the quality of the vaginal epithelium and increase natural resistance.

They are include:
1.  Oestrogens
2.  Stilboestrol pressaries 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Copper T

 Copper T Simple Form of Birth Control

Copper T is a effective method of contraception. Intrauterine devices is a success in preventing pregnancy. It is inserted in to the uterus by a physician to preventing pregnancy. Intrauterine devices is a small, safe, effective, T-shaped plastic  device that is wrapped in copper or contains hormones.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Emergency Contraceptive Devices

Emergency Contraception: 

Emergency contraception is known as a emergency postcoital contraception. Emergency contraception taken after sex, may prevent pregnancy.

Intrauterine Devices:

Intrauterine devices usually used as emergency contraception.Taken emergency contraception when primary contraception is fail. Emergency contraception acts before implantation and it used for occasional. when the egg already fertilized then a substance that induces abortion. 

Intrauterine Device (IUD):

The modern intrauterine device (IUD is a long term of birth control method in which a small 'T'-shaped device, containing either copper or progesterone, is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Intrauterine device (IUD) is also called as a coil. 

Intrauterine device is a small, flexible and T-shaped device that is placed in the uterus by a physician. The copper T 380A has been shown in trials to be effective for at least 12 years.  Intrauterine device are safe, effective and long lasting.The copper T 380A is most popular in chaina.

The Methods of Contraception

The Methods of Contraception:               




Different people choose different contraception methods. You and your partner are choose what method is the most effective for preventing an unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. 


You can choose the different methods of contraception from visiting these pages:

  1. Sterilization surgery for women
  2. Sterilization implant for women
  3. Sterilization surgery for men
  4. Implantable rod
  5. Intrauterine device
  6. Shot/injection
  7. Oral contraceptives (combination pill, or "the pill") 
  8. Oral contraceptives (continuous/extended use, or "no-period pill")
  9. Oral contraceptives (progestin-only pill, or "mini-pill")
  10. Skin patch
  11. Vaginal ring
  12. Male condom
  13. Diaphragm with spermicide
  14. Sponge with spermicide
  15. Cervical cap with spermicide
  16. Female condom
  17. Natural family planning (rhythm method)
  18. Spermicide alone
  19. Copper IUD
  20. Hormone IUD
  21. Emergency contraception ("morning-after pill," "Plan B One-Step," "Next Choice")


Menstruation or Period:


Menstruation is the period that discharge of blood and mucosal tissue  from the  vagina and uterus.
Period is the normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle. Every month, woman body prepares for pregnancy. If no pregnancy then period is start. The menstrual blood is partly passes out of the body through the vagina.

Menstruation usually start between age 11 and 14 and continue until menopause at about age 51. When period is started then  you may have

-  Abdominal or pelvic cramping
-  Lower back pain
-  Bloating and sore breasts
-  Food cravings
-  Mood swings and irritability
-  Headache and fatigue

Tablet used as contraception & other menstrual problems:

Dose of Combined Oral Contraceptives:


 1.  Levonorgestel 0.15mg , Ethyl Estradiao 0.03mg per tablet.
                             28's tablet- 1 tablet daily for 21 days starting on 1st day on menstruation.

   2.  Norgestimate 0.25mg, Ethiyl estradiol 0.003mg per tablet.     
                                     21's tablet- 1 tablet daily for 21 days beginning on day 1 of menstrual cycle followed by a tablet interval of 7  days.

Use:  used as contraception & other menstrual problems.

 Side Effect :

- Nausea
- Vomiting
 - Headache

- Breast tenderness
- Change body weight
- Changes in libido
- Depression
- Hypertension-Impairment of liver function
- Benign hepatic tumors
- Reduced menstrual loss
- Spotting in early cycles
- Amonorrhoea

 Indication:  Contraception( control menopausal & menstrual symptoms)


- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Cardiac or renal diseases
- Migraine
- Depression
- Asthama
- Uterine fibromyomatar 
- Lactation
- Risk of arterial thrombosis associated with oral contraception is increased with age and aggraveted by smoking and obesity.
Dose of Progestogen Only Contraceptives:

1.  Allyoestrenal 5mg per tablet.
    Continue until at least 1 month after the end of critical period.

    Premature lobour , according to individual up to 40mg per tablet daily have been used.

Indication: Threatened or habitual abortion, failure on nidation where due to lack of progesterone threatened pre-mature labour.

Oral Contraceptive Pill


This section includes combined oestrogen progestrogen oral contraceptive and progestrogen only contraceptives.

Conbined Oral Contraceptives:

Oral Contraceptives containing an oestrogen and a progestrogen are the most effective preparations for general use.

The dosage regimen for combined oral contraceptives is usually 1 tablet daily for 21 days followed by a 7 days interval.

Dose of Conbined Oral Contraceptives:

1.  Levonorgestel 0.15mg , Ethyl Estradiao 0.03mg per tablet.
     28's tablet- 1 tablet daily for 21 days starting on 1st day on menstruation.

2.  Norgestimate 0.25mg, Ethiyl estradiol 0.003mg per tablet.
     21's tablet- 1 tablet daily for 21 days beginning on day 1 of menstrual cycle followed by a tablet interval
    of 7  days.

Use:  used as contraception & other menstrual problems.

Side Effect :

- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Headache
- Breast tenderness
- Change body weight
- Changes in libido
- Depression
- Hypertension-Impairment of liver function
- Benign hepatic tumors
- Reduced menstrual loss
- Spotting in early cycles
- Amonorrhoea

 Indication:  Contraception( control menopausal & menstrual symptoms)


- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Cardiac or renal diseases
- Migraine
- Depression
- Asthama
- Uterine fibromyomatar 
- Lactation
- Risk of arterial thrombosis associated with oral contraception is increased with age and aggraveted by smoking and obesity.

Progestogen Only Contraceptives:

When oestrogens are contra-indicated progestogen only  preparations may offer a suitable alternative but have a higher failure rate them combined preparations. Oral preparations are start on the 1st day of the cycle and taken every day.

How  it Work


1.  Allyoestrenal 5mg per tablet.
    Continue until at least 1 month after the end of critical period.

    Premature lobour , according to individual up to 40mg per tablet daily have been used.

Indication: Threatened or habitual abortion, failure on nidation where due to lack of progesterone threatened pre-mature labour.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Birth Control

Birth Control:

Birth control are define as contraception and fertility control which are methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy.

Contraceptive Injection

Contraceptive Injection: 







Contraceptive injection (The Shot): Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) is a progestin-only long acting reversible hormonal contraceptive that used as birth control drug and it injected every 3 month later. It stops releasing an egg and provides other contraceptive effects.


The contraceptive injection is a very effective solution for prevent contraception. It depending on the type of injection. Each injection given every eight weeks or given every twelve weeks.

The contraceptive injection contains a progestogen hormone which prevent unaccepted  pregnancy.

Advantages of the contraceptive injection:

  • Do not take a pill every day.
  • It does not interfere when doing sex.
  • It can be used when breast-feeding.
  • It can be used in the problems of periods, such as premenstrual tension, heavy periods and pain.
  • Can not take the combined pill when used the injection
  • It may protect against pelvic infection. when mucus plug in the cervix then stop bacteria travelling into the womb.


What are the disadvantages of the contraceptive injection?

  • Side-effects will show after 2-3 months later, until the progesterone goes from your body.
  • The contraceptive injection is long-acting and become fertile again takes from the last injection. After 6-8 months later some women may not ovulate from the last injection. Rarely, fertility is returns after two years. This time varies from woman to woman.
  • May be periods are likely to change. Some women have irregular bleeding which day by day it can be normal. When contraceptive injection is used as a long time, the more likely periods will stop (Example: 7 in 10 women).



Contraception also known as various use of devices, drugs, agents, sexual practices, or surgical procedures to prevent conception or pregnancy.

The condom is the only one contraception device which can be help to protect the sexual partners from STIs.