Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Menstruation or Period:


Menstruation is the period that discharge of blood and mucosal tissue  from the  vagina and uterus.
Period is the normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle. Every month, woman body prepares for pregnancy. If no pregnancy then period is start. The menstrual blood is partly passes out of the body through the vagina.

Menstruation usually start between age 11 and 14 and continue until menopause at about age 51. When period is started then  you may have

-  Abdominal or pelvic cramping
-  Lower back pain
-  Bloating and sore breasts
-  Food cravings
-  Mood swings and irritability
-  Headache and fatigue

Tablet used as contraception & other menstrual problems:

Dose of Combined Oral Contraceptives:


 1.  Levonorgestel 0.15mg , Ethyl Estradiao 0.03mg per tablet.
                             28's tablet- 1 tablet daily for 21 days starting on 1st day on menstruation.

   2.  Norgestimate 0.25mg, Ethiyl estradiol 0.003mg per tablet.     
                                     21's tablet- 1 tablet daily for 21 days beginning on day 1 of menstrual cycle followed by a tablet interval of 7  days.

Use:  used as contraception & other menstrual problems.

 Side Effect :

- Nausea
- Vomiting
 - Headache

- Breast tenderness
- Change body weight
- Changes in libido
- Depression
- Hypertension-Impairment of liver function
- Benign hepatic tumors
- Reduced menstrual loss
- Spotting in early cycles
- Amonorrhoea

 Indication:  Contraception( control menopausal & menstrual symptoms)


- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Cardiac or renal diseases
- Migraine
- Depression
- Asthama
- Uterine fibromyomatar 
- Lactation
- Risk of arterial thrombosis associated with oral contraception is increased with age and aggraveted by smoking and obesity.
Dose of Progestogen Only Contraceptives:

1.  Allyoestrenal 5mg per tablet.
    Continue until at least 1 month after the end of critical period.

    Premature lobour , according to individual up to 40mg per tablet daily have been used.

Indication: Threatened or habitual abortion, failure on nidation where due to lack of progesterone threatened pre-mature labour.

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