Friday, June 21, 2013

Vaginal Drug

Drugs Acting On the Vagina and Vulva:

They are includes two types of drugs:

1. Anti infective drug
2. Topical Hormones.

Anti infective drugs:

Effective specific : This treatment are common, effective & available for vaginal infections. The casual organism should be identified before instituting treatment.
Vaginal candidiasis or candidal vulvitis is treated etc, Trichomonal infections are treated with either metronidozole/ rimorazole.

The anti-infective drugs are:
1. Nystatin
2. Clotrimazole
3. Econazole
4. Miconazole
5. Sulphonamide
6. mixed various antiseptic preparation.

Topical Hormones: 

When there is a lack of endogenous oestrogens (as is post menopasual woman) dienoetrol cream 0.01% may be used improve the quality of the vaginal epithelium and increase natural resistance.

They are include:
1.  Oestrogens
2.  Stilboestrol pressaries 

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